


A Scientifically Proven Treatment Against PSORIASIS, ECZEMA and SKIN IRRITATION


If you have suffered from psoriasis for 2, 10 or even 20 years the wait is finally over. Psorcare is a topical herbal remedy prepared and formulated by Prof Azimahtol Hawariah Lope Pihie from the National University of Malaysia through research and innovative technology. This product is in great demand in Asia, with over 2000+ patients who are now living a psoriasis-free life. In 2004, Psorcare received a gold award at the Exhibition of Inventions of New Techniques and Products in Geneva (under "Psorcure: A Phytotherapeutic Composition for the Treatment of Psoriasis").

Psorcare will treat all kinds of psoriasis: plaque, pustular, vulgaris, and toenails, as well as eczema and skin irritation. It is a topical herbal remedy that is formulated based on research and scientific evidence, that treats psoriasis by inducing apaptosis (programme cell death) on the effected skin cells.


Psorcare is topical herbal remedy prepared and formulated through research and innovative technology.

It is scientifically proven to alleviate the itchiness and significantly reduce the symptoms associated with psoriasis and eczema.


It consists of a 100% PLANT EXTRACT from the Zingiberaceae family and can be used as often as desired.


Psorcare cream can be applied for an extended period of time and can be used with in conjunction with other medication. It is save for use on children as well as pregnent mothers. Depending on the seriousness of the condition, you can expect to see significant changes in as little as 5 days of application. Psorcare comes in two forms: psorcare cream is recommended for skin psoriasis. For psoriasis of the scalp, we recommend psorcare lotion (see picture below). For instructions on how to use psorcare, refer below.



Psorcare Lotion for the scalp.



PSORCARE CREAM is indicated in the management of all types of psoriasis and eczema.


There are no known contra-indications.

Administration of Psorcare Cream

It is advisable to first apply PSORCARE to a small test area of healthy skin on the lower arm for 24 hours to test for allergic reactions. If any severe reaction occurs, discontinue its use.

Apply PSORCARE to the affected area five to seven times a day, or more if neccessary, making sure that the affected area is consistently covered with the ointment. In cases where the skin is scalely, remove the scales before applying PSORCARE.

When possible, try to keep the area you are treating uncovered from clothing material.

Only a thin layer of PSORCARE needs to be applied at each application, especially for those with fair skin because the skin is very thin.

Diet and other recommendations

Avoid foods that contain high amounts of cholesterol such as eggs, meat, poultry, and seafood. We also recommend that you eliminate alcohol from your diet.

If these instructions are followed, significant results can be seen from as early as five days.

Additional notes

If you notice any reddening of the skin after the initial application, this is due to the removal of the thickened keratinized cell layer, exposing the underlying new skin. Do not be alarmed; continue to apply PSORCARE thinly to this area until the normal skin cells grow back.

If you are afflicted over a large area or your entire body, we recommend that you apply PSORCARE to a smaller test area first to evaluate the effectiveness in your treatment. Through experience we have found that some patients with whole body afflictions may require 10 or more bottles of PSORCARE a week.

To Order:

E-mail us at your address, and we reply the price.
Bank in your payment to Maybank Acccount 562209606588 (Azanil Putra)

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angelinjones said...

Hope it is a topical herbal extract traditional herbal used for skin care, recommended for whole body applications. I have gained a lot of knowledge regarding skin from your message. I think there are no side effects from this cream. Many of them will be benefited from your message.
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Anonymous said...

Thank you.... I am sharing the best for all.



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